Top 2 News of Covid Omicron

News of Covid Omicron

Covid omicron variant is extremely infectious, Americans need to be vigilant: Dr. Michael Mina

News of Covid Omicron
News of Covid Omicron

Yep so this is unfortunately what’s happening with omicron is we’re finding that it’s extraordinarily infectious that’s why it’s sweeping across america right now at breakneck speed and what that means is that you can be negative in the morning in the afternoon News of Covid Omicron

and be positive and infectious later that day even on a pcr test and this is really it’s it doesn’t mean testing isn’t important but it means that we have to be extraordinarily vigilant when we are thinking of gathering in big groups that we can’t rely only on a test and we never really could rely only on a test and omicron has only made it much more difficult, News of Covid Omicron

Well the important thing is that most people you were know that that individual must have just been exposed you know was not at a very high viral load yet so i agree it is making it much more difficult

but it doesn’t mean testing is not useful because uh there are many days during which somebody’s infectious that their tests will turn positive so at a population  level if somebody is infectious

they will most likely be tested positive that same day but there are going to be these cases where 10 or 15 or 20 percent of people who are infectious are still going to be negative News of Covid Omicron

when they start transmitting and then they might only turn positive the next day and i agree it is it is making it extremely difficult to be able to to control this virus News of Covid Omicron

which is why it’s just spreading like wildfire and unfortunately what it means is we need to be testing we need to be wearing masks again we need to be you know we potentially need to be stopping large gatherings so that we can uh reduce uh the fallout of a situation like this where somebody might be infectious News of Covid Omicron

Well we could ideally though one of the best things about a test is that it will catch the most infectious people so somebody’s walking into a building and is spewing out so much virus that they might infect 20 or 30 people

who are closely you know closely packed in that would be a true super spreader these tests are doing a very very good job at catching the most infectious people News of Covid Omicron

and so my recommendation is when people have gatherings or events use a rapid test as soon before an event as possible 15 minutes before an event pull out a rapid test and use it and don’t do it a day before don’t do it three days before don’t even if possible don’t even do it five hours before. News of Covid Omicron

2nd News,

Director of the cdc doctor appreciate you so much thank you for your time and your tireless efforts for all of us my god thank you

omicron is in like 46 states and countries how many people has it killed uh good evening shepard you know things are moving quickly and and i know people are concerned um certainly we have had reported deaths of omicron around the world although there have been a minority of them fewer than than we’ve seen for other variants News of Covid Omicron

so far do we know i could just update um you know those data continue to come in um and not every death has had their virus and their variants sequenced but those data are continuing to it’s it’s the the reports are relatively few but maybe if i could just back up and tell you where we are right now and that is data that you reported

that knew out of the cdc is that the omicron variant is now predicted to be about 73 percent of all of the virus that we have sequenced News of Covid Omicron

here in the united states and that was as you know expected based on the growth rates of how quickly omicron is transmitted across other countries and around the world we anticipated that this number would be about this high at around this time News of Covid Omicron

but there’s so much that you can do now that we didn’t know you could and didn’t have to as possible tools against omicron um just a year ago and that of course includes getting wearing your mask in public indoor spaces and we’re still encouraging people to do that

that continues to be our recommendation but then of course to get vaccinated and to get boosted when you’re eligible of course and doctor i do all that i don’t i don’t ever talk about me on here but i get i’m getting it from everyone News of Covid Omicron

i know in the whole country i’m triple vaxxed i follow all the rules and they’re all over the place by the way why shouldn’t vaxed up people like me just live normal and then when you get it hunker down until it’s over explain to me why that’s wrong you know

we still are learning a lot there continue to be studies of omicron coming in we don’t know yet the long-term manifestations of omicron the long cova that we’ve seen with other variants so that would be one reason certainly to try and avoid getting it all together as well as the fact that you could transmit News of Covid Omicron

it to other people other people who are more immunocompromised older people family members so we’re really not encouraging that as an activity if there is a plan if you can avoid it we’re so safe around here i mean corporate rules family rules. News of Covid Omicron

we are safe and yet i know so many people who have it of all kinds of people and all kinds everybody has it and some people are allowing only vaccinated people to be with them for over the holidays but everybody’s getting it from everybody News of Covid Omicron

what difference does that matter anymore does being vaccinated with unvaccinated people really make a difference it absolutely does so here’s what i can tell you our hospitals are largely full of people who are unvaccinated our vaccinated and boosted people are 20 times less likely to die than our unvaccinated people unvaccinated people are dying at 20 times the rate of people who are boosted

severe illness vaccines and boosting prevents severe illness in omicron and so it’s really important to continue to get vaccinated to continue to get boosted but all of the data that we’re seeing is exactly as you say it may not prevent infections News of Covid Omicron

and so what we really do need to do is make sure that people who continue to be vaccinated and boosted continue to wear their masks to prevent the infections overall the data shows doctor i don’t tell you this people are not listening i mean we’re setting records in travel people who got vacs the first time around are not getting the third shot the numbers

are really small i mean who whose mind are you going to change i mean we’re trying you know the definition of insane is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different response we’re not nobody’s changing are they so we are boosting at the rate of about a million a day over 60 million people have been boosted and in fact we’re working really hard to get those who are most vulnerable to severe disease and death our older populations are News of Covid Omicron

immunocompromised populations this is really important what we do know about the omicron variant it’s got over 50 mutations and because of those mutations just being vaccinated with two doses may not be enough and so we really do need people to get boosted in

order to increase their protection especially against severe disease and death why do you still call two shots fully vexed why why hasn’t the message i don’t mean to have the wrong tone everybody’s just

frustrated right nobody’s it’s just like it’s clearly it takes a booster now to be fully vaccinated so why not change the words to match the reality i don’t get it we’re examining this definition of course but what i want to be very clear about is that cdc recommendations for News of Covid Omicron

right now say that everyone who is over the age of 18 when they become eligible should get their booster shot six months after their pfizer modernist shot two months after their j j and that is very clear in our cdc recommendations right now i’m gonna change the words

at some point because it seems like we continue to look at that definition but but what i will say is our recommendations about who should get a booster are very very clear please especially in the News of Covid Omicron

context of omar kron go get your booster shot you have the hardest job and i’m so thankful but i do have one question that i’ve been wanting to ask for a long time this thing happened really fast i mean

you guys said it would go fast but it’s gone even faster i mean i think it was dr fauci who said maybe by the middle of next month it would be dominant it’s dominant before christmas so here’s the question News of Covid Omicron

do what’s our risk of coming of a new variant popping up that just starts killing everybody you know what i’m saying it’s it’s infinitely

worse is is that just a crapshoot is it possible is it what has helped me understand you know the more virus that circulates the more possibility for variants to emerge generally variants emerge that are News of Covid Omicron

beneficial to the virus and this one was because it was really very much more transmissible but but your question actually leads me to say exactly what i’ve been saying which is we need to decrease the amount of virus out there we do so by wearing masks by getting vaccinated by getting boosted and then working as we have been News of Covid Omicron

very hard to do the same around the world and before i go theb plan is for a vacation over the over the new year’s holiday after being with close quarters with some family over christmas then a group of

friends eight of us all triple vacs we’re gonna get on a plane and go to a beach and we’re gonna try to have something normal of a life is that wrong you know everyone’s going to have to make their own decisions and every family is going to have to make their own News of Covid Omicron

decisions what i will say is we know how to do it safely you have to wear your mask you have to be vaccinated and you have to be boosted and in fact if you’re gathering as a family i would

recommend getting tested to make sure for that extra reassurance that people are not gathering when they have a symptomatic infection if all of those things happen and you continue to do so throughout the holidays then we’re really asking you know News of Covid Omicron

optimistic that you can do some of the things that you want to do safely but but that there’s a lot of parameters around that to try and

do things safely i like the mask it kept me warm this morning it’s cold in new york now i kind of like it i don’t have chapped lips News of Covid Omicron.