Telegram Connecting Problem Solved 100%

Telegram Connecting Problem Solved 100%

Dear friends, Welcome to My Blog today’s blog I have told you how you can solve your telegram connecting problem. And how can you use Telegram without VPN?

If the Telegram application is not working on your mobile phone and you facing connecting problem in the Telegram application then you do not need to worry, today in which video your problem will be solved completely.

Manual Proxy Setting

Step No 1.

First of all, open your Telegram account. Also, Click on the top left corner three lines as you can see in screenshot which is given below.

Telegram Connecting Problem

Step No 2.

After click on setting option as you can see in screenshot which is given below.

Telegram Connecting Problem

Step No 3.

in next page, you will see option “Data and Storage” As you can see in screenshot which is given below.

Telegram Connecting Problem

Step No 4.

Now in next step you will see option “Proxy Setting” just press on it.

Telegram Connecting Problem

Step No 5.

Now in next step you will see option “Add Proxy” just press on it. as you can ses in screenshot which is given below

Telegram Connecting Problem

Step No 6.

Select ” MT Proto Proxy” and put detail, proxy manual detail mention below.

Server : =
Port: = 443
Secret Key: 👇 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Telegram Connecting Problem

If you want set By default Proxy Setting